Julie’s Story

It was more than 30 years ago while working on our family ranch and our guide & outfitting business (garywebbguide.com), that I picked up my first leather tools and became the “repair woman.” When a headstall, reins, saddle, breast collar, harness… or you name it needed a little tender love and care, it was brought on over to me.
The majority of my work at that time was geared towards functional quality tack, so I quickly learned the ins and outs of making a durable product.
This was only the begining spark that fueled my fire and desire to try my hand at creating my own custom pieces of leather goods from the hide up.
Since the beginning repair days, I have made hundreds of individual pieces including headstalls & reins, holsters, scabbards, purses, pack saddles, saddles, photo albums, leggings, chinks and more! I have put many hours into mastering all the elements that go into making a hand crafted leather piece. From the selection of the hide, mastering hand tooling/carving, sewing, lacing, and other individual aspects that all come together to make a superior piece of work.
I pride myself on quality work, using top quality leather, attention to detail, and incorporating YOUR desires into each piece.
I look forward to designing your next treasure with YOU!
Julie Webb